Thailand Police and the Law
The police system in Thailand works a little differently than that at home. The government pays the police very little, and the community becomes financially responsible for supporting the police. Police in Thailand are commonly known as the BiB (boys in brown) due to their uniform colour.
This will have no consequences for most tourists, but you should know how things work should something happen. This could save you some time and frustration.
If you find yourself being talked to by a police officer in Thailand, you should be aware that trying to convince him that you have done nothing wrong is pointless. It is better to be humble, smile, and cop what is coming. With a bit of luck, what you have been caught for is minor (e.g. not wearing a helmet on a motorbike), and the problem can get sorted quickly.
In most cases, minor problems can be sorted quickly, and you will have two choices. You can get a fine from the officer, go directly to the station, and pay up. The easy way is to leave the penalty in the care of the officer you are talking to. This can save you a lot of time and hassles at the station.
If you have done something more serious, it will take longer and may result in you spending time in the monkey house (i.e. jail.)
Three things will almost definitely cause many problems and will likely result in jail time: under-aged ladies, drugs, and visa overstays.
As far as a foreign man is concerned, the age of consent in Thailand is 18. For a Thai couple, it is less, but that is irrelevant. Also, some countries can prosecute their residents for crimes committed overseas. Don’t come to Thailand if you are not prepared to abide by this law.
Having illegal drugs is not intelligent in any country, and even more so in Thailand due to the stiff penalties and the jail system. Also, be careful with whom you have in your room. If you find a lady with drugs, get her out as soon as possible, as you may be held responsible purely because you have more money. Being in the company of someone with drugs (even if you are unaware) can bring you grief.
Recently, the laws on marijuana have been relaxed. It is possible to buy it from the many shops selling it. However, do not be fooled into thinking that you can smoke it anywhere. This is not the case and businesses, including hotels, have their own restrictions.
Many people overstay their visas and have no problems. However, stories of people getting caught by the BiB on overstays are not uncommon. If caught, you will spend time in jail (maybe a week) before you are deported at your expense. You may also get a nasty stamp in your passport. There is no need to overstay in Thailand.
It is a legal requirement for a visitor to be able to produce a passport on demand. Technically this means that you should carry your passport at all times. For obvious reasons, few people like to carry their passports while drinking and having fun. You can take copies of your passport details page and the page containing your visa/entry stamp. It is not guaranteed to prevent the BiB from causing you some inconvenience, but it is better than doing nothing.
A first-time visitor with little knowledge may be shocked, but promiscuous prostitution is illegal in Thailand. Yes, it is everywhere on open display, but that is one of the great things about Thailand; there are many conflicting situations. Likewise, pornography, sex toys and abortions are illegal in Thailand.
Even though gambling is common in Thailand, it is illegal. Again, stories of people getting caught gambling are not uncommon.
The supply of medication requiring a prescription without a prescription is illegal in Thailand. However, many drugs, but not all, are available in pharmacies in Pattaya. Erectile deficiency drugs come under this category. Many pharmacies will sell you both the original product and their generic alternatives. Most people find the generic brands as good as (and much cheaper than) the original product. For generic Viagra, ask for Kamagra, and Cialis is Apcalis. Don’t use these drugs if you have any cardiovascular problems.
Warning: I am not a lawyer or doctor; this should not be considered legal or medical advice. You may like to seek professional advice.